How do I upload a document to a patient file?

DrChrono gives you the option to upload any file to a patient chart. Multiple file formats are supported for upload, but we maintain a maximum upload limit of 100MB per document.

Uploading a File

1. Open a patient chart by searching for a patient in the navigation Search bar or through Patients > Patient List.


2. Once in the chart Select Documents from the side menu.


3. You are given two options to choose from to upload a document.

You can click on Select Files to Upload to bring up a window that allows you to navigate to the file you would like to upload, or you have the option to drag and drop the file into the box on the screen.


You can rename the document and add any tags. Click Upload Files when ready.


5. The files will upload to the Uploaded Documents section.



Note: If you upload a file that is greater in size than 100MB, an error will be displayed.
