UB04 Box 6 - Start/End Care Dates on an institutional claim

When billing institutional care, the start/end dates of care included on that billing statement must appear in box 6 of the UB04 claim form.

In DrChrono, it is easy to enter/update this information from within the patient claim in the Live Claims Feed or the appointment window from the patient's chart.

Though the Live Claims Feed

  1. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > inside the patient encounter

  2. The "Stm Cover Period" listed in the right column under the Info tab will populate via information included in the charges section.

As Revenue codes/charges are posted, the system will capture the "from" (required box below) and "to" (optional box below) and will add them as "from/to" dates in the Stm Cover Period in box 6.

Appointment Window in the Patient's Chart

  1. Navigate to the patient's appointment either through the calendar or patient list > Billing Tab > Right side of the screen