UB04 Boxes 76 - 79 - Where do I add attending, operating, and consulting provider information on an institutional claim?

Providers involved in a patient's institutional care can quickly, and easily be added to the claim. Adding these providers to your contacts will make the process of adding them to any claim that much faster.

  1. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Inside the patient's appointment > Right side of screen > Attending tab

Typing a name into the red box will search your contact list and populate the provider's information, including NPI if it is entered as part of the contact.

  • If the payer requires a state license number, a UPIN, or a commercial payer number, it can be added in the blue boxes below.

  • Any state license, UPIN, or commercial payer information added will be printed on the UB04 with the appropriate qualifier ID.